Friday, November 11, 2011


i didnt have a problem with meeting the reading qouta, my problem was the blogging. between working everyday and not having a computer, keeping up on a blog is difficult. ive struggled with it all year. same with this project and others. this class is really hard to managethis class without a computer and hard to access a computer when im always working.

Friday, November 4, 2011


moneyball, michael lewis: 230 pages

1.)"Bad make-up is a death sentence.

2.) ..."if hes that good a hitter, why doesnt he hit better?"

3.) "put a milo on him."

all these sentences are spoken by scouts talking about college baseball players.
the first one is my favorite because it shows the irony of Billy Beane's failure in the big leagues. Because he HAD "good make-up," perfect make-up even. But he still went no where.