Friday, September 30, 2011


Bossypants- Tina Fey    253
Fight Club- CHuck Palahniuk  Finished


1.)  Act like youre putting orange juice in it, but then dont.
2.) For me, it was when i bought this kick-ass white denim suit at the Springfield mall.
3.) Oprah says the only answers to that question are "yes" and "i dont remember."  (when asked if you have ever been molested)

I couldnt really pick a favorite, Tina keeps rattling off line after line, all funnier than the last.


Im in the process of reading bossypants, by Tina Fey. And i must say, it is the funniest book ive ever read. ive never really lol'd before at a book, until this one. its the story of her life and its hysterical.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Movement: Shaky, Studdering, Sudden, Harsh
Attire: Revealing, Creepy, Innocent
Setting: Ghetto, Dark, Empty, Eerie
Body Language: Foreshadowing, Revealing, Powerful, Violent
12 words:
  • dark
  • grotesque 
  • strange
  • unusual
  • creepy 
  • puzzled
  • wild
  • crooked
  • disturbing 
  • ironic 
  • revealing
  • shocking  
  • evil

In this creepily strange video, the innocent looking girl becomes prey to the dark, unusual looking guy, who then follows her into the dark with disturbing intentions, until the shocking climax in which the now evil seeming girl attacks the man with a strange force and ends with an ironic, twisted ending you wouldnt expect in a thousand years.

Friday, September 16, 2011


"i said it to you" paul eluard
"dust" dorianne laux
"police notes" alice persons

the police notes poem was hysterical. By far my favorite of the year.
I dont really have anything to say about it though.


Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk- 119 pages
If Chins Could Kill, Bruce Campbell- 21 pages

140 pages this week.

Top 3:

1.) The first rule about fight club is; you do not talk about fight club.

2.) I know this, because Tyler knows this.

3.) It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything.

I had trouble finding three, there were so many amazing quotes. This is my favorite movie of all time and i kinda wish i wouldve read the book first. The number one quote is by far the best line in the book, it says it all. even though that is the first rule...somehow the fight club grows and grows, it gets out of control even. This is the beginning of project mayhem, and the summary of Tyler Durden's life. Even the narrator doesnt know whats in his future.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekly Assignment

Book: Columbine, Dave Cullen
Pages: 162 this week. 347 this semester.
1. "It is a weird feeling knowing you're going to be dead in two and a half weeks"

2. "Hey Mr. D, nice shoes!"

3. "Good wombs have borne bad sons"

These are all quotes from Columbine, the first and third being from Eric Harris, the main shooter. The first one wins top sentence because it is the most emotion that Eric shows throughout the process. Its like, he doesnt even care anymore. And the second is a lighter sentence that shows that the kids do finally recover and that they can still finish out high school and have fun and be happy. The third is the only real glimpse of remorse that the boys encounter, feeling bad about the situation that they are putting their parents in.

Columbine, week 2

The book is just now revealing the notes and the motives of the killers. It makes you feel like a detective who's just about to crack the case. I love the mystery it leaves hidden, and the adrenaline rush you get reading about the stories of survivors. This book is so intense.

Columbine, week 2

The farther i get into Columbine, the more disturbing it gets. Its really hard to believe the thoughts that these kids had towards people. They were monsters, thats the only way to describe it. They had no remorse for the kids they killed. They wanted to kill the world and start a world war and stuff like that. Its really scary that there are people like this in the world. Especially all the copycats that were planning on repeating "Columbine" the following year. I dont know what would make these kids go to these extremes. I guess the only way to put it is to say that I'm appalled.