Friday, November 11, 2011


i didnt have a problem with meeting the reading qouta, my problem was the blogging. between working everyday and not having a computer, keeping up on a blog is difficult. ive struggled with it all year. same with this project and others. this class is really hard to managethis class without a computer and hard to access a computer when im always working.

Friday, November 4, 2011


moneyball, michael lewis: 230 pages

1.)"Bad make-up is a death sentence.

2.) ..."if hes that good a hitter, why doesnt he hit better?"

3.) "put a milo on him."

all these sentences are spoken by scouts talking about college baseball players.
the first one is my favorite because it shows the irony of Billy Beane's failure in the big leagues. Because he HAD "good make-up," perfect make-up even. But he still went no where.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Moneyball by Michael Lewis, 98 pages

"Through this low coarse diction his autobiography becomes a "goddam" autobiography and his brother spends his "dough" on a car which cost "damn near" four thousand dollars."

"Steinbeck uses a picturesque, attractive connotation of nature, an elevated yet familiar altitude, and a melodious sound producing a beautiful scene filled with wildlife."

"George Orwell gives a denotative connotation in his novel 1984 when he gives a straight forward account of the Hate Week when he states, "It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate week.""

Friday, October 14, 2011


most of the reading ive done thus far has been based on what books i can relate to. like, the reason i picked up the tina fey book is because im an avid SNL fan, and i love tina fey. she is the funniest woman to ever be on the show and one of the best skit writers also. i picked up fight club because thats my favorite movie, and invisable monsters because its by the same author. :if chins could kill" was from a friend at new haven who said id like it, and i did. i really enjoy reading, a lot more than in the past. im hoping to finsh the whole harry potter series and a few more by the end of the year.
i started reading the harry potter series again, and im loving it. i forgot how amazing these books were. its really a nostalgic trip. i definataly tune out the world when i read these books, and i stop worrying about stuff around me. ive really started to enjoy reading this year.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

catching up

okay, so ive recently finished reading "bossypants" by tina fey, and it is by far the funniest book ive ever read. right now i actually am not reading a book, kinda being lazy about finding one. im actually looking into reading the harry potter series because ive honestly never made it through the third book. i feel like i have a hole in my life right now that can only be filled by going to hogwarts and adventuring my way through life as a wizard. and ive only seen the first three movies also, so i think ill be able to make it through the series without seeing it as i saw the movie, i hope. no offense to daniel radcliffe, but i dont want to picture him every time i read harry potter.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Bossypants- Tina Fey    253
Fight Club- CHuck Palahniuk  Finished


1.)  Act like youre putting orange juice in it, but then dont.
2.) For me, it was when i bought this kick-ass white denim suit at the Springfield mall.
3.) Oprah says the only answers to that question are "yes" and "i dont remember."  (when asked if you have ever been molested)

I couldnt really pick a favorite, Tina keeps rattling off line after line, all funnier than the last.